Dec 19, 2007

Unofficial Translation
Union of Myanmar National Political Federation

Declaration in regard to the protests because of the fuel price hike.

(declaration number 8/2007)

1. In connection to the fuel price hike by the government, some people and monks protested on the streets during the month of September in Myanmar. Actually the hike of the price is partly in connection with the drastic hike of fuel prices worldwide and partly as a consequence of being economically sanctioned.

2. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the National League of Democracy (NLD) and the internal and external opposition groups are dogmatically holding on to confrontation, utter devastation and general sanction including economic sanctions and in this way have been consistedly threatening and demanding for national reconciliation, dialogue and the implementation of the 1990 election results. The current incident is the outcome of their last resort for public agitation.

3. As a consequence of economic sanctions, the Myanmar currency value has gradually dropped and job opportunities became scarce, leading to drastic hike of commodities, including fuel prices. It could therefore be said that the real culprit is economic sanctions. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the National League for Democracy (NLD) and external and internal opposition groups are totally accountable for this situation.

4. The economic and living conditions of the people have become difficult because of various price inflations and this in turn made people become frustrated. Four specific broadcasting stations from abroad then made timely broadcasts, agitating people to take to the streets and protest against the military government. By creating confrontation between the people and the Buddhist monks on one side and the military government on the other they managed to gain personal and political gains of their own. This is an utterly wrong choice of path by despicable persons with no political reputation.

5. The end result is that of multiple detentions, the casualties of some people including one Japanese and the people and the Buddhist monks being used by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the National League of Democracy (NLD) and the internal and external opposition groups. A very sad and unfortunate incident indeed.

6. Acts such as destroying the country with economic sanctions, sowing hatred towards the military government among the people by causing economic and living condition hardships, spreading ideological misconceptions and misleading people to believe that individualism and grouping policies are democratic practices, misusing Myanmar heritage Theravada Buddhism to confront the military government, creating confrontation between the present Myanmar Government and the American Government in political, economic and military matters, sending misinformation to the United Nations Security Council so as to become involved in Myanmar domestic matters and to ruin the positive relationship of China, India and the ASEAN countries are contradictory to reconciliation and democratic reforms. In fact, we believe they are negative in nature.

7. The political roadmap for democratic reforms officially declared by the government has now reached the phase of drawing the draft constitution. We will definitely transform into a democratic nation if we undertake in momentum the phases of the holding of a referendum to accede to the constitution, to hold an election according to the constitution and vote for a civilian (democratic) government. We therefore believe that the United Nations, the United States of America and other super power countries as well as internal and external political groups should all collaborate in a positive manner to reach this goal.

Executive Committee

11 th Waxing day of Thadinkyut 1369
22 October 2007 (Sunday)